Luigi Naldini, Bernhard Gentner


  • Objectives WP7 is transversal to all operational phases and will be coordinated by OSR with the support of other partners. The coordinator’s task is to verify the overall progress of the project, both in the scientific and administrative areas.


Luigi Naldini, Bernhard Gentner

As new frontier of Horizon Europe framework EIC project consortia have the chance to create a collaborative network with other consortia directly guided and supported by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) through the portfolio activities.

In the framework of the Portfolio Activities the EIC pathfinder challenge consortia are required to interact among each other in order to solve common technical, regulation, exploitation challenges, to catalyze and leverage common opportunities and to amplify the impact of the portfolio and on the portfolio.


  • Developing strategic plans for subportfolio (1): A strategic plan will be drafted for subportfolio (1). However, for any points with shared objectives between the 2 subportfolios, aligned strategic actions, will be foreseen. 
  • Enhancing the commercialization potential of the individual project, as a result of its participation in the portfolio: ensuring that subportfolio members, can access a much higher number of their targeted corporate manufacturing players and/or clinical establishments. 
  • Contributing to potential improvements and further development of the cell and gene therapy regulatory framework: effectively communicating with EMA the regulatory challenges, as experienced by either subportfolio in each entirety. 
  • Ensuring that the outcome of the collective work of subportfolio (1), will effectively reach early stage private and corporate investors respectively.